The University of Maribor with its innovative policy and potentials at the disposal of the Tezno zone, is implementing a policy of harmonious regional development of Slovenia. As a partner in the development of the Smart City Platform of the University of Maribor, our company is also involved.
In this zone we installed a test version of ECOdip underground waste collection containers with electronic fullness monitoring and a logistic module that meets international standards ISO 37120/37122.
ISO 37120/37122
Yesterday, on June 12, 2019, we also participated in the expert meeting of the Smart Urban UM platform, where an international standard was presented. Cities and communities in the future will face extremely complex and multifaceted challenges.
With 19 designated areas, ISO 37120 helps cities and communitiessystematically identify appropriate sustainable development objectives and establish strategies to achieve them. It provides indicators of the success of providing services in cities and raising the quality of life of their inhabitants, and is also the basis for defining objectives and indicators for the development of smart cities and communities recognized by ISO 37122.
These are
global standards that enable the collection, evaluation and comparison of data
from different cities. They offer effective management methods,
state-of-the-art technologies and practices that help cities improve the
quality of life of the population and achieve environmental goals while
encouraging innovation and growth and development in the direction of
strengthening smart cities and communities.