Cable chambers
for power and telecommunication networks are plastic chambers, intended for
nodes of power cables, optic fibre cables and other cables.
Advantages of PE cable chambers:
- long life (manufacturer guarantees material life expectancy of 50 years),
- water tightness,
- simple transport,
- simple manual handling,
- quick and simple installation,
- quick and simple adjusting of installation height,
- option of various combinations of inlet and outlet connections along the chamber body,
- quick and easy installation of connections along the chamber body,
- simple addition of new, additional connections,
- possibility of installation of a cast iron cover or PE cover.
Possibility of connection of various types of protective pipes:
- PVC smooth and corrugated pipes,
- PE smooth and corrugated pipes,
- PP smooth and corrugated pipes.
Possibility of connection of various dimensions of protective pipes:
- standard connections from ø32 to ø200,
- other dimensions at the request of the client.